Harness Inspection Service

Detailed Inspection Every Six Months

Why do I need Harness Inspections?

It is recommended that your fall protection gear undergoes detailed inspection at least every six months.

For frequently used lanyards it is suggested that this is increased to at least every three months, particularly when the equipment is used in arduous environments (eg demolition, steel erection, scaffolding, steel skeletal masts/towers with edges and protrusions). Detailed inspections should also be recorded.

Why do I need Harness Inspections?

It is recommended that your fall protection gear undergoes detailed inspection at least every six months.

For frequently used lanyards it is suggested that this is increased to at least every three months, particularly when the equipment is used in arduous environments (eg demolition, steel erection, scaffolding, steel skeletal masts/towers with edges and protrusions). Detailed inspections should also be recorded.

You can drop your Harness & Lanyard at our office in Corlurgan Business Park in Cavan between 10am and 2pm Monday to Friday.

Harness Inspection Service

Turnaround Time: 2-3 Days

You can drop your Harness & Lanyard at our office in Corlurgan Business Park in Cavan between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.